bitcoin recovering service

bitcoin recovering service How to Recover Lost or Stolen Bitcoin | Import Private key | Spend non Spendable 101

bitcoin recovering service

Step-By-Step Guide on How to Import Private Key, Recover Lost or Stolen Bitcoin using our Software

Note: This software works only with Blockchain and its associated cryptos, which are (Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Stellar (XLM), Algorand (ALGO), USD Digital (USD-D) and Tether (USDT). It has the capacity of performing a max of 5 transactions per day with a license key valid for 5 months only, renewable.


  1. Computer and internet.
  2. Software. Get from here OZ hack software
  3. Any wallet Address you want to import or Recover funds from. Must be Blockchain. If you need to get a wallet go to Blockchain explorer and look for any wallet with the final balance available.

Step One: Find a Private key

  • Buy and Download the software to your computer, open it, and it should look like this.
bitcoin recovering service
  • Click on Chk btc bal on the left panel of the software, to check the balance of the wallet address you want to import or recover funds from. Past the wallet address and click the button check. This will take just a few seconds
Chk Btc Bal screen
  • Click on Find Pvt Key on the left panel of the software, to generate/find the private key of the wallet address you will be importing or recovering funds from. Past the wallet address and click the button Find Key. This will take some time to find the key.
Find Pvt Key Screen

NOTEIf you were importing wallet private key into Blockchain then this is where you end. But if you need to recover your funds that were transferred to other wallets, then continue reading.

Step Two: Recover lost or stolen funds.

Note: This method will also recover funds that have been transferred to another wallet from the original wallet in question which is yours. And it will recover only the original funds you had in the wallet nothing more no matter where the funds have been transferred to.

  • Click on Recover funds on the left panel of the software, to recover your lost or stolen Bitcoin that has been either transferred to another wallet or is still in the same wallet. Fill in the required information.
    • Address with lost funds
    • The private key of address with lost funds
    • Wallet ID of wallet to receive the recovered fund
    • Past wallet address you want to send recovered funds to
    • Click the button Recover Bitcoin.
Recover funds
  • It will take some time depending on where the funds are located, that is if the funds have been transferred to other wallets then it will take a longer time to recover the funds and vice versa.
  • Click on the contact us on the left panel of the software to contact us if you face any problems or if you have any questions. We will not answer questions that have already been answered here. Please take your time to read the tutorial without missing any steps. You can also watch this VIDEO to see how the software works live on video.
contact us

Get the software from here. software

Below is a video link on how to use our software to Recover your Lost or Stolen Bitcoins into a new virtual wallet.

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